Shakespeare? Simple.
"Made Shakespeare understandable - Finally!" - Steyning Grammar

This workshop is tailored for each school booking. It will contain:
In-depth analysis of up to 2 plays.
Engages and challenges students to direct the actors and discover nuances and interpretations.
Showcases Shakespeare in performance.
Specifically focuses on questions and themes your pupils are working on.
Confused by Corialanus? Mac-bored of Macbeth? Bard & Troubadour can help! Pefrect for Key stages 3 through 5, our workshop introduces Shakespeare to students the way it was intended - through performance.
Beginning with a short two-man overview of the Shakespeare play of your choice, we move into a more detailed study of key scenes, demystify tricky things like iambic pentameter, and explain the clues to performance given in the text itself.
Ideal for English or Drama lessons, we look at how the play would have originally been received right up to how it is being performed today, with a specific focus on the plays and questions that your pupils are working on.