Joshua Crisp studied English and Philosophy at the University of Sussex until they told him to stop. He played Lucentio in the Festival Shakespeare Company's award-winning performance of Taming of the Shrew in 2013 and was nominated Best Supporting Actor (to Sir Derek Jacobi) at the Southampton International Film Festival, for his role in The Man Who Tried To Steal An Island.
He is a big fan of Arthurian legends, and can highly recommend our Adventures To Order as he had one for his last birthday. He recently performed at the Watts Gallery as G.F. Watts himself as part of The Big Draw festival.

Amy Sutton graduated from the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in 2012 and has since worked in Theatre In Education tours across the South, won an Argus Angel in the Brighton Fringe 2013, and spent her summer leading workshops at Wakehurst Place Kew Gardens dressed as a bee. She is a published performed playwright, and her latest script, A Human Write, won Runner Up and Special Adjudicator's Award at the Southern Counties Drama Festival 2013.
Her favourite fairy tale is The Skeleton Girl, and she will perform it for you if you ask her nicely or ply her with cake. She is currently researching the sinking of the Titanic for an upcoming workshop.
"...The kingdom lieth dark and battle-scarred,
Yet riding on the summer breeze you'll find
A noble dragon-blooded Warrior Bard
And fearless Troubadour of Butterfly Mind..."